German version

Berliner Kunstsalon
more info:

18 September 2004, 6PM
from 19 September till 26 September 2004 (paralel to ART FORUM BERLIN)
arena-Magazin + Glashaus,
Opening hours:
Täglich 10 - 23 Uhr

Galerie ZERO at the Berliner Kunstsalon

The Poles are coming? They have already arrived! Gallery Zero shows a small cross section of seven Polish artists, whose vitas reflect both the variety of the artistic styles and different attitude to Berlin and a German society.

Some of them have lived here for a long time, like Wiktor Marcinkiewicz, whose drawings interlace fine structures from apparently naturalistic elements to impenetrable pictures of very suggestive strength. 1981 Marcinkiewicz came to West Berlin and shortly after the political transformation opened the artist cafe "Mysliwska" in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Lila Karbowska and Roland Schefferski are also living in Berlin since the early 80's. In her work, Karbowska uses textiles or the serial reproduction of picture fragments. Schefferski creates spaces for the viewer´s imagination by using such means as manipulation, spacial alienation or simulation, and consciously setting "blank spaces" in the middle of the objects. In their installations, both artists disturb the usual aspects and consolidate cultural or historical contexts in objects, which seem to be quiet or even intimate.

The Polish artists creep, sometimes subtly into well-known pictures and themes, sometimes they place the conventional art in the true sense of the word on the head, as Waldemar Kremser with his Christ at the cross. Biting criticism of society hereby is the rule. Ryszard Gorecki hid "far too humane" snapshots in his work of computer- standardized logos or industrial graphics and exposes pre-stanced people images.

In their sometimes distorted, sometimes ludicrous pictures, the contemporary young generation of Polish Berliners deconstruct the pictures of daily life and show their completely normal insanity. Mundane everyday life rules slide into absurdity, thus letting the real points of references dissolve.

The play with light in the long exposed photographs in the "C-Prints" by Alice Kwade let even the spatial relations vanish. And Anna Krenz formulated her criticism at the German-Polish sexism in pictures and objects: from Barbie dolls, smutty drawings and snapshots of Polish women she created a superficially sharp-multicolored advertising which is in a fact a shadowy mission of burning actuality: "Order your polish Wife!"

Christoph Rasch

Translated by Euphrasie Mundele-Kilolo and Ewa Maria Slaska

BerlinerKunstsalon - Galerie ZERO artists:

1. Ryszard Górecki
2. Lila Karbowska
3. Waldemar Kremser
4. Anna Krenz
5. Alicja Kwade
6. Witold Marcinkiewicz
7. Roland Schefferski

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